About your plan
At a glance
The Trustees are responsible for the management of the Plan, supported by the Pensions Department.
The Trustees’ job is to manage the Plan in accordance with the Plan Rules and in the best interest of all the members. The Plan Administrator deals with the day-to-day running of the Plan.
The trustees
The Trustees meet regularly throughout the year to discuss and manage the Plan.
They take specialist advice as needed from the investment managers, actuaries, auditors and other pension professionals.
The Pensions Department
The Pensions Department handles many of the queries from members and puts into action decisions made by the Trustees.
It also manages the professionals involved with running the Plan, for example liaising with legal and investment advisers.
The Plan Administrator
The Plan Administrator, Capita, deals with day-to-day running of the Plan, such as processing retirements and investing member contributions.
The Plan Administrator
The Plan Administrator, Capita, deals with day-to-day running of the Plan, such as processing retirements and investing member contributions.
Please note that neither the Trustees, the Pensions Department nor the Plan Administrator can offer you advice about your pension.
Your Trustee board
There are eight Trustees on the board of the Michelin Pensions Trust Limited – a mix of Company appointed and member-elected Trustees.
Secretary to the Trustee